The Process

How we made the MixMasters KitchenAid


The Research phase enabled us to get to know our users and understand what problems they were having. We requested a video from ADEC showing the process of making dog biscuits. We also visited their facility in order to meet and observe the users in a closer setting.

Additionally, we began looking at the techical aspects of the project, gathered the appropriate requirements, and actually opened the mixer to determine how it worked.


The Prototyping Phase occured in two parts. The first part was getting each of the subsystems working on their own. The second was to get the four subsystems working together.

See the documentation for details on the requirements.


During the prototyping process, we also were testing the product, making sure each subsystem was working as expected. It was at this stage we were able to see the feasibility of the project when we were able to see a full working system.

Additional testing is still required. We are looking forward to putting our product in front of real users to see what adjustments we should make in our next iteration.

Our Final Product